We've felt our failures.
Jobbigt hur mycket tankar som kan rymmas i mitt huvud egentligen. Ni har tur som slipper höra dom. Åh, ni förstår inte vilken tur ni har..
Jag försöker blockera allt. Vet inte om det är bra eller dåligt egentligen. Känns som en mycket av tankarna tillhör någon annan. Dom finns liksom där, utan att jag ber dom att vara där.
Tänker gå och lägga mig nu. Så slipper jag höra skiten längre. Hoppas jag får sova i alla fall några timmar utan att vakna med ångestattacker. Men det kanske är för mycket att hoppas på.

Oh, how selfish of myself to always say that it was more than I could take,
like it was pain I could not shake,
like it could break me with its fingers, throw my body in the lake,
and I would slowly sink away
but the Truth is it was sorrow that I made and would not face.
See, I keep falling for the future after tripping on the past.
And I am always tearing sutures out to make the anguish last like it defines me.
Or reminds me I've found comfort in my suffering
and uncertainty in happiness and death,
because what's next is such a mystery to me.
I am terrified of all the things I feel but cannot see.
like it was pain I could not shake,
like it could break me with its fingers, throw my body in the lake,
and I would slowly sink away
but the Truth is it was sorrow that I made and would not face.
See, I keep falling for the future after tripping on the past.
And I am always tearing sutures out to make the anguish last like it defines me.
Or reminds me I've found comfort in my suffering
and uncertainty in happiness and death,
because what's next is such a mystery to me.
I am terrified of all the things I feel but cannot see.
Ett stycke ur världens bästa låt, av typ världens bästa band. Galet vad bra dom är.
Postat av: Moa